Why Digital Marketing is Important?

Andrea Stark Marketing Strategist

For small to mid-sized companies, digital marketing has surpassed traditional marketing as the most powerful form of brand promotion. Social media, email campaigns, content marketing, SEO and, of course, your website gives your company more marketing traction and helps you leave an impressive digital footprint.

Lucid embraces a collaborative approach to digital marketing. Through aggressive strategy, we help your organization promote and sell products or services through a wide range of online tools and platforms. Furthermore, we connect you with your target audience without spending thousands of dollars in massive ad campaigns, cold calling or influencer marketing.

Let’s take a closer look at why digital marketing is essential and why you should consider investing more time and money marketing online.

Everyone is Online. You Should be Too!

According to a recent MIT report, the average American spends 24 hours per week online. Eighty-four percent of online activity occurs on a smartphone. Additionally, online users check their emails, visit social media sites and browse or shop the internet at least once a day.

So, if you want your marketing campaign to have the most significant impact with the highest ROI, you need to focus your efforts online. Digital marketing allows you to create an omnichannel strategy that includes your website, social media, email, YouTube and other platforms. It puts you in direct contact with your audience and gives you the ability to expand your reach to any market area you desire.

If everyone else is online, you should be as well.

Your Website is Still Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool

Regardless of all the marketing tools at your disposal, your website is still your most powerful digital asset. Therefore, it should be the hub of your entire marketing strategy. Every other platform you use to market your products or services should be a means to an end that drives more traffic back to your website and boosts your Google rankings.

There are several reasons why digital marketing is vital on your website, such as:

  • Your site allows visitors to view all the products or services you provide.
  • You can develop a brand culture that connects with your audience.
  • You can establish credibility and authority in your industry.
  • There are no limits to what you can do with a website.
  • You can provide instant, responsive online customer service.
  • A website gives you the leverage you need to compete in your market.

Websites also offer endless tools such as E-commerce, blogs, customer reviews, video/audio, traffic/marketing analytics, product news/updates and automated services. Without a website, you have no market leverage, no credibility, no connection with consumers and no way to promote your business.

Last, with a website, you can show readers how your company solves their problems. You can highlight the benefits of choosing your company over your competition. Why should consumers go with you? How do you make their lives better or easier? A website gives you the opportunity to allow potential customers to get to know and trust you. More importantly, it gives them a reason to return time and again.

The bottom line: If you do not have a website, consumers will instantly pass judgment on your business and move on to your competitors.

Digital Marketing is Cost-Effective

Traditional marketing – which consists of mailouts, broadcasting or print marketing – is expensive. While the numbers do vary, here is what you can expect to spend on average to reach an audience of only 2,000 people:

  • Radio ad: $150
  • Newspaper ad: $200
  • Magazine ad: $500
  • Direct mail: $900
  • Billboard: $250

For the same investment in a digital marketing campaign, you can reach an unlimited online audience while spending less money. Furthermore, digital marketing gives you a healthy ROI in the following areas: 

Targeted Campaigns

Radio, TV or billboards may give you a wider audience, but you will waste your efforts on people who are not shopping for your product or service. Digital marketing offers you the ability to fine-tune your efforts and connect with the exact people you want to reach.

In-Depth, Accurate Analysis

Digital marketing provides a detailed and accurate analysis that allows you to see how your campaign performed. You can make informed assessments about the type and amount of activity on your website or social media page.

Multiple Applications for the Same Campaign

If you create a promo video for your product or service, you can use that same video on your website, YouTube, email or social media page. The same goes for written content, images, photos or any other marketing item.

Digital Content Delivers Long-Term Results

Most marketing experts recommend that you change up your online content every two to three years. Doing so will revitalize your brand, update your message, help you stay current with marketing trends and keep you connected to your audience.

As a business owner, you may wonder about the time, money and energy you will spend updating your content. While this is understandable, updating your website content every two to three years gives you far more mileage than any other form of marketing.

Most traditional marketing campaigns fizzle out after a few weeks. TV commercials, newspaper ads, mailouts and billboard ads have a shelf-life of six months at the most. Consequently, you may go through several marketing cycles within a three-year period to stay relevant in the market. This can result in numerous costs and countless hours of planning and execution.

By contrast, you can spend far less time, money and energy updating your web content every few years. Furthermore, you can add or change web pages as you go, slowly evolving your site to match changes in your marketing initiatives.

Lucid Advertising Can Help Your Business Grow

At Lucid, we provide clear and creative advertising that helps you expand your market reach while targeting the customers you want. We deliver measured results that reflect your brand and help you reach your goals. To find out more about our digital marketing agency, call us at 850-760-0478 or fill out the quick contact form below, and we will be in touch.