Get schooled: ABCs of Developing Brand Confidence
Even the best brands need the backup of customer confidence. Without it, even the brightest brands will fade. So how do you develop customer trust that translates into brand confidence? Grab your #2 pencil as Team Lucid gets you schooled on the new ABCs of earning the trust and confidence your brand deserves.
A is for…
● Authentic voice: Spend the time finding your brand voice and articulate this voice clearly to your audience. When your products and core values are communicated genuinely, customers will notice.
● Attentiveness: The customer’s always right, right? Customer service and attentiveness is at the core of developing trust. In this digital age, there’s a unique opportunity to shine with attentiveness. Watch your social media feeds for comments, check your site for messages and put their interests first. Good or bad, showing attentiveness to your customers will get you far.
● Abilities and expertise: Everybody wants an expert. Show customers you’re an expert to listen to by writing for your industry’s top publications. Get published on highly trusted industry platforms. These solid ways outweigh the fickle social media channels.
And give us a B:
● Become a review magnet: Online reviews carry some serious muscle these days. Scary thing is, people can post reviews for businesses and the those businesses may never see them. But customers will. Welcome reviews and engage in them, good or bad.
● Be responsive: Hear the word “responsive” and we think of social media engagement with your audience. Because that is where we are, after all. In the digital age. But here responsiveness means being nimble to your market demands. Your market can determine the journey your brand takes. Markets can be fickle and so Jack be Nimble. Respond swiftly to market changes or experiences with your brand, the backbone of your business.
● Blog with strategy: Put your faith in Google to take you to the top if you do your part. People trust organic search results. Get in that game by creating blog posts with customer FAQs, a strong SEO strategy and backlink campaigns.
Shout out to C:
● Customer focus: Enough cannot be written or said about the importance of showing your peeps the love. Listen to them, react in a timely manner and be transparent and consistent. Your customers will learn what to expect and that they can count on you.
● Connection: Aim to connect with your customers on a personal level. Let them into your circle, get to know you and your team. Deliver on what you say and be open to feedback.
● Consistency: Have a consistent marketing strategy for your content. Random or inconsistent posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram almost lend themselves to being useless. You won’t build your brand that way. Same for email marketing. There’s a saying that it takes almost a dozen times of the same message for a consumer to remember it.
Implement these tips to build brand confidence. Your customers will thank you.
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