Big things ahead for Lucid: the Importance of Setting Goals

Ok, ok, in our defense goal setting is not a new concept! We’d never be as successful as we are if this was new vocab. But isn’t it helpful to refine your goals and how you’re going to get there from time to time? Lucid is growing by leaps and bounds. We’re taking a look at our own goals and we’d love to hear how you tackle goal setting too.

There are four big things goal setting can do for your business. It gives you…


Goal setting gives employees and leaders focus. Employees know what the company is after. And how to get there. They can divide and conquer their tasks. For some, it helps them see the bigger picture. Managers know how to set about assigning tasks and who will achieve them.


Make goal setting a team sport. When employees are included in the process, they feel valued. They come to believe their input is worthwhile and important. And as a result, they’re invested. This is a pretty common mistake in companies both big and small. Managers take to setting goals then trickle them down. Where’s the employees’ say? Put in this context, it’s easy to see why some goals fall to the wayside. We all want to be part of the bigger process at our companies. This is an easy change to make a big impact.


Tie goals to employee motivation. Even better learn what motivates your individual employees and work it. As a manager, you can tie incentives to motivation. Free Starbucks gift cards! Lunch on us if we grow engagement 10% this quarter! Extra PTO! You get the idea. When you tap into employees’ motivations and tie these to goal setting there’s a much greater chance of achieving those goals.


To piggyback on motivation, there’s a cool window to get some kumbaya going on here. Approach your goal setting as a group effort with team input, in addition to individual, and you’ll promote organizational cohesion. There’s power in numbers. Don’t you have an even better

chance at reaching goals when the whole team is on board? You can take it a step further by offering team rewards when certain goals are met.

How do you tackle goal setting? Share your tips with Team Lucid.

#wedogoals #wehelpyoubeyou