Using Data to Drive Content

Love the word “data”? “Analytics,” maybe? Yeah, we don’t either! Years ago, businesses had to dig for data. But today, it’s everywhere and it can be overwhelming. Today Team Lucid’s going to help you cut through the noise. And in honor of St. Pat’s Day, we’ll use lucky number 7.

Consider this list when strategizing your marketing plan.

1. Subscriber lists Blogging and email marketing

Blogging and email marketing will help you gain and engage subscribers. Show them the love. Nurturing these types of leads with relevant vs. random content has been shown to help businesses significantly grow.

2. Return visits

Take a look at content that gets you return visits. This is a good indicator that the content struck the right chord. So take what works and do more of it.

3. Misbehaving?

When you’re getting your analytic on, be sure to look at the behavior of your visitors and not just the raw number. It’s tempting to get super excited about 1000 unique visitors. But it’s better to have half of that number that stayed on the site, engaged with content, subscribed or otherwise are potential converters.

4. Referrals

30% of website traffic comes from social media. The power is there. Best of all, most are low or no cost. Be able to answer these 2 questions to put this to work for you: which of my social media channels drive the most traffic to my site? Of those, what types of content got the most engagement?

5. Organic living

Organic leads give you insight into your ROI. However, it’s misleading to assume organic leads are totally free. Yes, paid advertising, even via social media, shows a superficial cost. But the manpower costs of generating content that gives you organic leads also costs you. For example, would it be better in the end to run a paid high-quality Facebook ad for a month which results in more subscribers, engagers and potential converters? This instead of paying your manpower to create umpteen random email letters and blog posts that cost thousands in payroll but really get you no greater engagement. Something to consider over your green beer.

6. Content traction

Hubspot tells us that it can take some time for content momentum. So what does this mean? Be patient. Return to the analytics to watch what content may be taking off over time. Even better, watch your sources and repurpose or repost content if it gains relevancy.

7. Page view know-how

Page view value: only use it when measuring the success of your individual posts or landing pages. That’s it. Otherwise, it’s not useful for content success so don’t linger on this metric.

We hope this helps you sift through the crowded data space to take your business to the next level. That’s why we’re here!

Let us hear from you as you try one of these 7 ways. Lucid #helpsyoubeyou.