Making Your Mark: A Simple Guide To Building A Brand

Think of some of the top companies we know and love, with their products interwoven with our daily life experience. Apple, Netflix, Oracle, Nike. What do they all have in common? They’re great brands.

Few things build company value faster and more reliably than effective branding. When starting your own business, it’s imperative that you put effort into the branding aspect and think about everything from your logo and color scheme to company tagline. Building a brand is a process, and includes many actions and factors such as having a memorable name, presenting a strong message, and taking care of all of the necessary legalities such as a getting trademarked. To help you with the basics of the branding process for your business, here are five tips for you to follow and keep in mind.


You should focus on a single brand. No matter how well-funded a startup may be, it will always feel short of resources. Since this is the case, the business should effectively focus its branding effort and resources on building up a single brand–the name of the company–instead of trying to create separate identities for the company and each of its products. Branding and marketing take money, time, and other resources. Building multiple brands will not only drain your energy and resources but will also confuse customers.

Build Your Online Platform

The world is online now. So it’s only right to make the most of it and build your online platform. Social media and all of the networks within it can be essential tools to use in successfully building a brand. Build a platform such as a blog or a website that you own and then increase the magnitude of your content while engaging with your audience on social networks. Use social networking platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or even Instagram. When you create your brand story, you can use these platforms to tell the story to your audience.

Snatch The Domain Name

While you’re in the process of considering names and alternative names, make sure you can get the URL (domain name). So while you’re brainstorming, bring up a registration engine such as and check to see if the potential URL is available. Domain names do make a difference when it comes to brand, since visiting a website is a major part of the customer experience.

Produce Value

The primary purpose of a business is creating value. Therefore, you should be creating value for whatever you do. You don’t have to be a major corporation to have a fantastic product. Just make sure you produce a lot of value to your customers. Building value helps strengthen your brand as you stand apart from the competition.

Be Consistent

From a customer’s point-of-view, think of the brands that you are most loyal to. Chances are they earned your loyalty by being constant and dependable. Deliver value and superior service on a consistent basis, and you’ll have a major key to successfully building a brand.

Building a brand should be a fulfilling process. It’s a way to set a standard for your business and create lasting power. To make serious strides in your brand building effort and take your company to the next level, contact Lucid Advertising and see increased business with measured results. Lucid Advertising uses numerous digital marketing tools and strategies to provide the return on investment that they require for their client budgets.

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