Inbound Series Part 3: Marketing strategies on a small biz budget

Save thousands with inbound marketing

#Justbelucid is thrilled to have you join us for part 3 of our Inbound Marketing Series. We always aim to bring you something of value and hopefully we’ve done this with our series. Maybe not so newsy is the common fact that small business operate daily on a budget. Every dollar counts. Among the top 2 reasons inbound marketing is a must-do for 2018, we add a third.

Inbound Marketing:

1. Aligns with evolving consumer behavior

2. Brings in new customers on their own

3. Inbound marketing is budget-friendly

Great ROI

Inbound marketing helps you keep your budget spending at goal. It is not only a relatively inexpensive means of marketing in general, but dollar for dollar the ROI is far outweighing the expense of traditional marketing tactics. Two of the quickest and simplest ways to really start seeing the ROI of inbound marketing revolve around heightening efforts into what you are already doing.


Before earmarking another dollar for marketing in 2018, why not take a look at every analytics tool you have to see what worked, and didn’t, in 2017. From your email marketing campaigns to your website traffic, the analytic tools and data provided by these vendors and big gun Google are included in your subscription or even free. They are in depth and really amazing as to what information they give on your efforts and the audience those efforts bring you. With a simple task scheduler and plan, analytics

discovery could take a couple of days to a short week. Time well spent and very possibly money well saved for your small biz.


Of course SEO and keyword are well, key. But if your analytics show that these are not getting you where you want to be with customer growth and engagement, it is wise to make some changes. This work will cost you very little aside from workforce dollars and brain power. We gave tips on leveling up the sophistication of your SEO and keyword efforts in Series 2. When you compare this simple tweak of an existing effort with the costs around an entire new campaign from scratch, it’s easy to see this is a perfect place to start with inbound marketing. Best of all, it works! More specific keywords tailored to your website are one of the tried and true pieces of inbound marketing. That wraps up our inbound marketing series. What did you think? Tell us all about it here.