Inbound Series Part 2: Trends for 2018: The Inbound Marketing Craze

Part 2 of our 3 part series: Inbound marketing craze

Closing out December and looking forward to trends of 2018, inbound marketing is first. Well, here at #justbelucid, December is one of our favorite times of year. Why? It’s National Fruitcake Month of course. Do your outbound marketing efforts resemble this famous dessert that strikes ambivalence in humans worldwide? Like the sad fruitcake, maybe your marketing is colorful on the outside but nobody’s biting? So much work, time and money but not whetting the appetite? Take a look at why your audience may be ready for a new recipe.

Why the need for inbound marketing

Outbound marketing has been around for years and many forms still work. Inbound marketing takes what’s working for you while capitalizing on society’s changing behaviors. When we think of our own buying patterns, haven’t they drastically evolved? The tables have turned as we as consumers have more power over what we allow into our space. With the touch of a button, we can block a wide array of marketing messages from ever making their way to us again. That’s powerful stuff.

Is it time to Let it Go?



Adaptation is the name of the game in business and sometimes even at the holiday table. It’s common to get into a habit especially in marketing without taking time to analyze if it is helping you meet your business goals.

Take a look at what’s working, what’s not and to what your audience responds. If you’ve reviewed your resources and return-time, money, manpower and ROI- and found a tweak need, #justbelucid encourages you to give inbound marketing a try. This technique is here to stay and businesses nationwide are adopting it to overcome challenges. In fact, with lead generation being a top challenge, twice as many leads are generated through inbound marketing over outbound. More importantly, consumers are coming to expect a more personalized experience for us to earn their valuable attention. And, hey #Lucid always needs good doorstops; fruitcake donations welcome.

Are you ready for 2018? What new marketing techniques will you try in January?