5 Instagram Insights You Can Use

Are you using Instagram Insights? It’s a powerful feature that really helps you dig into the data. In this blog post about data driving content, we showed how data can drive content. Here, we’ll hone in on Instagram. This will help you create some pretty cool content your readers will love.

Getting started with Instagram Insights

To be able to use Instagram Insights, you have to have a business profile. It’s super easy to get one. First, make sure your personal profile is public. Then simply go to your settings and associate your desired Facebook profile with a new business profile via the settings gear shift tool. You’re all set. Now get in and play around. Insights gives you tons of useful data you can use to tweak content for higher engagement. Here are five places to start.

Instagram is now the #1 social media platform for customer engagement, according to Forbes.


This tells you how many followers you’ve gained or lost over the past week. It also tells you the times of day your followers are on Instagram. Good to know when planning posts!

2. Actions

Actions shows you what Instagram users did as a result of your post. Did they follow you? Click on your website? Or simply visit your profile? This is great to know for website traffic as well as what posts led to new followers so you can generate posts with related content.

3. Website Clicks

This one tells the number of times any sites (not just your own) you’ve included in your profile have been clicked.

And now to…what’s your Story?

4. Tap Forward

We don’t want to forget Instagram Stories. In your Instagram Stories Insights, pay attention to Tap Forward. This one tells you how many times a user taps your Story photo or video to get to the next piece of media.

5. Swipe Away

By contrast to the last one, Swipe Away tells the number of times a user skips ahead to the next account’s story, not your own.

Learn more about Instagram Insights here.

We’d love to hear which of these help you drive content and engagement.

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