Google Plus Local

For any small business owner who wants to take advantages of all of the different types of online advertising, Google Plus Local will be an invaluable asset to have in the repertoire. Google Plus Local is essentially free local business advertising, putting you front and center in the ranking list when consumers go online to do searches of businesses in their local area. Promoting your business in as many ways as possible is key to growing your customer base, and knowing how to market your business for free will lead to greater financial success for the simple fact that you’re not having to foot the bill for what could be an extremely expensive marketing campaign. Granted, it’s not always going to be possible to rely solely on free business advertising, but those free times can add up in big ways.

It All Adds Up

As the most used search engine, Google has the market cornered, and you and your business need to be in on that. You may have a website that’s working wonders for you, but if it’s not quickly pulled up in a Google search, you won’t be reaching the audience you’re trying to reach. A listing on Google Plus Local not only catapults you into the visible space on the screen, it links to your business’ websites, with maps to your business location, phone number, and your address—all of which will bring more customers your way.

Plus Equals Growth

You’re a small business owner in a big sea of fish—many of which are bigger than you—and one of the most important questions you need to ask yourself is: “How do I advertise my business in ways that will be effective?” Knowing that will help you stand out—even in that sea of bigger fish. With the right tools, you can be just as large and in charge, and one of those tools is going to be creating a listing on Google Plus Local. Your listing will rank you higher in priority in a Google search—something that may seem small, but if you’re closer to the top of the pile when the list appears on the page, you’re far more likely to become the business of choice.

Get in with the local crowd! Call the team of marketing professionals at Lucid Advertising, Inc., today!