Facebook Live: What’s in it For You?

Using video in your content marketing strategy is smart. Here at Lucid, clients come to us from all over the country to produce compelling video that speaks to their brand. But what about live streaming? And where does this fit in? How can it help your business? Today, Team Lucid gives you 5 ways and reasons to integrate Facebook Live into your content marketing strategy.

100% original content

Everybody loves an original! But in content marketing, original video can be hard to come by. Youtube and Vimeo are the go-to brands for businesses. Embed into sites, email marketing and more. What if you can give your audience a truly unique experience? Built around your brand. Like they are there with you? Enter Facebook Live.

Two giants are better than one

On average, Facebook sees a 14% increase in usage every year. 14%! Over 1 billion people log on every day. So, your audience is already there. And get this: consumers say they are 64% more likely to purchase a product that has a video. Why not bring these two content giants together? But unlike other live video and streaming services like SnapChat and Periscope, Facebook is the simplest to use. You won’t have to learn a whole new platform to put it into action.

Land of the Free

Facebook Live is free. It’s a great complement to paid Facebook Ads, also proven effective. With the right Live content, shares and likes will grow engagement and new followers to your Page.


Facebook Live builds a connection between your audience and your brand. This is a really unique way to bring them in. Like we’ve said before, your brand is more than your company or product. Your brand elicits a feeling when people interact with it. And what better way to do that than a Live introduction?

How to use Live?

Now that we’ve laid out the why to use Facebook Live, we’ll give you a few ways to use it. Even the simplest everyday things can delight your audience. Think outside the box.

3 Live Ideas:
  • How’s It Made? Give your audience a behind-the-scenes look at how a product is made
  • Community Events: highlight a ribbon cutting, charity event or monthly community event
  • Meet the Team: Always a fun and new way to do staff bios

Get the value of social media but still confused on how to get it done? Call the experts at Lucid.

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