How Call-To-Actions Impact Your Marketing and Examples of Ones that Work

So you have a marketing campaign set to launch. Maybe you’re revamping an existing campaign to make improvements. Whatever the case is, it’s vital that you have a proper call-to-action to get the results you’re looking for. A call to action is basically an instruction for the user to take action whether’s is starting the payment process or submitting their lead information. While many websites ask their visitors to take action, they do so in too subtle of a manner or are not clear enough.

How Important Are Proper Call-To-Actions?

According to Wordstrea, emails with a single call to action increased clicks 371% and sales by 1617%. AdRoll reported that adding a call to action to your Facebook page can increase click throughs by 285%. CopyBlogger adds that making calls to look like buttons created a 45% boost in clicks for CreateDebate. The point is that using a proper call to action has a significant impact on the rest of your marketing campaign. After all, the point of most marketing campaigns is to generate some kind of action.

While the idea behind a call-to-action is simple enough, it’s not as straightforward as transform the entire look and feel of your bedroom. you may think. At Lucid Advertising, we know that a simple green “Buy Now” button isn’t going to do the trick. There are many tricks, tactics and subtle things that you need to do in order to make your CTA impactful and produce the results you’re looking for.

Call to Action Examples You Need to Know About

To help you get an understanding of what kind of indicators to use, we’ve decided to give you some call to action examples you can use for your campaign:

1. The classic “sign up” or “subscribe button” that is filled with a subscription form. This really is as simple as you can get. However what makes this button work is what comes before. The headline must grab the user’s attention and make a selling point on what they’re going to get. Without benefit-driven copy, there’s no way simple buttons will work.

2. Benefit driven call to action buttons are a great way to use around offers. Buttons with text that make offers like “claim your free trial” or “get an instant 25% off” or even “access the course for $29 for a limited time” are all great examples.

3. Text based call to actions will also work, especially if the hyper link is made for action phrases. However, it is often better to integrate text based CTAs with graphical CTAs for the best results.

4. Action indicators in multimedia is one that’s being used with great success. Stream audios and videos with the play symbol and click to play instructions work well. Some marketers are also using clickable annotations at specific points in the video to get the user to take action.

Why It’s the Small Things that Create Big Results

There is no best call to action tactic to use. It’s all all about bringing it together with adjustments and testing. There are many factors that affect your results. For example, the design and color of a button makes a big difference. The location of where you place the button and how many button you use yields different results. And as we mentioned before, the words you use and the copy that comes before it is vastly important.

The key here is then to make small adjustments and experiment until you start getting results. We like starting with the copy of the offer as that provides the reason for the action. Then, we like to test different designs, colors, and copy in the actual button. From there, we like to play around with different layouts, locations, and multiple uses of call to actions. While it takes time to find the ideal combination, it often pays off handsomely.

To learn more about how we at Lucid Advertising can help you create call to actions that create results, call us now at 850.418.3349.