Google Analytics Tips

Andrea Stark Marketing Strategist

When you’re starting a business or in the thick of one that’s already established, it’s crucial to have an effective marketing strategy in place. You’ll need to consider everything so that you can reach your target audience and grow your business successfully, which means you’ll also need to know the behavior of your marketplace. With the many ways that Google has made digital marketing explode, you’ll also need to know about how to make Google work for you, so get ready to download some Google Analytics tips.

Just what is Google Analytics? Google Analytics tracking is one of the best analytic tools available because it works so easily with a wide range of apps, plugins, and social platforms. Using Google Analytics provides you with an in-depth report on your online presence, serving up numbers to show user activity when people visit your website and sourcing information on where your users are located as well as how often they come back to your site.

Analyze That

Of course, those are only a few of the benefits of analytics. When you want to know how to track website traffic and truly understand what are the benefits of online marketing, analytics are the best tool in your arsenal. For instance, if you use Google Plus Local, you can link it to your website and use it in conjunction with Google Analytics to see how well your Google Plus Local listing works for guiding local users your way. By understanding Google Analytics and using it as part of your marketing strategy, you’ll be strengthening your business and learning how to become even more effective.

Get More Analytical

Here are a just a few Google Analytics tips to follow in setting things up:

  • Create an alert that notifies you when a web link on your site is broken. This is called a 404 page.
  • Analyze the conversion rate of traffic from various device categories, which can show how many users come from cell phones, tablets, or computers and tracks which categories of users had the greatest number of visits to bring in the most revenue.
  • Map your users’ path. The destination is, of course, your page. But where did those users come from? Where were they online before they came to your site? Knowing this can help determine how and where to place your marketing to funnel in even more traffic.
  • Strategize your content according to the times of day are the most active. Google Analytics can determine when users visit the site most often. By knowing that, you’ll also know when posting new content will be most effective.
  • Manage the social network. If your website has buttons for social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, Google Analytics can analyze your site’s traffic to show which of those platforms are more socially active for you, which will help you in deciding if your buttons are in need of removal or repositioning.

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